ISSN: 2578-4846
Authors: Gadhvi SN*
Since past two decades scientist are involved in research activities to find alternate fuel for CI engine and still it is continuously going on. On account of rapid industrial growth and large commencement of vehicle airs becomes a serious threat to the wide use of petroleum resources. Many research and studies revealed that the oils from the several vegetable origin can be successfully used as fuel to the existing CI engines without making any major hardware modification and still further research is necessary to find exact fuel resource from a waste recovery point of view. In this regard, waste cooking oil or fried cooking oil can be used as a potential alternative fuel. This paper reviews the production, potential, characterization of alternative fuel, engine performance and exhaust emissions of the waste cooking oil biodiesel through the experimental work carried out in various corner of the world.
Keywords: CI Engine; Cooking Oil; Biodiesel; Energy; Fuel