International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology (IZAB)

ISSN: 2639-216X

Mini Review

Literature Review: On Crustacean and Monogeneans of Commonly Catched Fish Species in Ethiopia

Authors: Kasse GE

DOI: 10.23880/izab-16000161


The objective of this study is to review crustacean and monogenean parasites of the fish species. The major diseases associated with fish are parasites, bacteria, viruses and toxic algae that reduces fish production by affecting the normal physiology of fish and if left uncontrolled, it can results in mass mortalities or in some cases, can be serve as source of infection for human and other vertebrates that consumed fish. External protozoa, crustacean and monogenetic trematodes of freshwater fish could be considered as the most prevalent causes of diseases affecting skin and gills causing gill inflammation and distortion of normal anatomy which impairing their respiratory foundation. Freshwater fish infested with skin-inhabiting flukes become lethargic, swim near the surface, and seek the sides of the pond and their appetite windless. There are several treatment options. Drugs or chemicals placed in the water are commonly referred to as "bath" treatments. Drugs delivered orally are generally mixed in the food, and are meant to deliver systemic effects. Maintain a good culture environment and prevent the deterioration of water environment; and use hygienic and nutritious fish feed to boost resistance of the fish stock and to minimize the chance of introducing pathogens into the water body

Keywords: Fish Parasite; Monogenean; Crustacean

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