ISSN: 2642-6250
Authors: Grecu VI, Olteanu M, Maceseanu AV, Nitu FM Calarasu C* and Turcu AA
Aim: To describe the trend of Tuberculosis in an endemic area by analysing all cases of respiratory and extra-respiratory Tuberculosis (TB) in Dolj County, a Southern region of Romania, between 2011-2018 and discuss results. Method and Material: Retrospective study of all TB cases registered in official records of Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases and Pneumophtisiology "Victor Babeş" Craiova and TB Ambulatory Clinic of Craiova, between 01.01.2011- 31.12.2018. We used all files of all patients registered with TB. We didn’t apply any inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: We analyzed 4112 cases of TB divided in 3353 respiratory TB cases and 759 extra-respiratory TB cases. The number of respiratory TB cases has dropped from 588 cases in 2011 to 325 cases in 2017, with a tendency to grow again in 2018 when 377 cases were registered. The same tendency for extra-respiratory TB: we registered 150 cases in 2011 dropping down to 49 cases in 2018. Most frequent extra-respiratory cases were Pleural TB-423 cases, Lymph node TB- 111 cases and bones and joints TB-80 cases. 65% of all extra-respiratory TB cases were confirmed either by histopathological or identifying acid fast bacilli. Other results will be presented in the article below. Conclusions: We consider that an analysis of the current situation of the respiratory and extra-respiratory Tuberculosis status in Dolj County in the context of a descending trend of endemic TB in our country can provide epidemiological and clinical evidence the good management of TB cases respecting National TB Control Guidelines.
Keywords: Respiratory TB; Extra-Respiratory TB
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