ISSN: 2639-216X
Authors: Kalaiyarasi G and Rameshkumar C
The abundance of birds consisting of 46 species, 8 orders and 25 families were recorded. The maximum number of sightings was obtained in the house sparrow (Passer domestics). The lowest number of sightings (n=4; ER=0.06/km walked) were had in the Great Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) from overall observations. The Encounter Rate was high for house sparrow Passer domesticus (25.9/km) in the rainy season and low for Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis (0.07/km) when compared to other species. The Encounter Rate of birds in the study area in different seasons (Rainy and Summer) were observed with the variations. In summer season, the Encounter Rate was high for house sparrow Passer domesticus (27.25/km) and in the rainy season low for Great Hornbill Buceros bicornis (0.05/km) when compared to other species. The other bird species were moderately found in the ER. In the study area, the diversity index was estimated using the alpha diversity. The overall diversity index (alpha diversity) of birds in the study area was observed low (-1232). The seasonal wise, the index were showed -1372 in summer and-1152 in rainy seasons.
Keywords: Biodiversity; Birds; Kodanadu; Nilgiris Western Ghats
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