ISSN: 2691-5731
Authors: Torre Pena GDL
Article presenting research results on the pattern of alcohol consumption, associated social representations and concept of disease in 20 families of patients with dual diagnosis of a therapeutic community and in virtue of this development of a preventive process aimed at reducing the level of consumption and increase of family support levels from the modification of social representations or beliefs associated with it. The study was qualitative, descriptive level, nonexperimental method. The information collection elements were constituted by individual clinical histories, initial interview and a Likert type questionnaire prepared by the Specialist constituted by 15 items organized in three areas, these being, Level of alcohol consumption, associated social representations and knowledge and family support , with previous and subsequent application to the psychoeducational process. The results show an impact on alcohol consumption associated with the modification of social representations after the development of a preventive program of affective cut and information.
Keywords: Social representations; Alcohol consumption; Families
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