ISSN: 2578-4625
Authors: V Hazeena Begum , Dhandayuthapani S and Thekkumalai M
Gynandropsis gynandra L., has been reported to be useful in treatment of various ailments in the Indian system of medicine. We proposed to investigate the biopotency of G.gynandra extract against aflatoxin B1-induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats. A significant increase (p<0.001) in the activities of cancer marker enzymes γ-GT, LDH, ALP and 5|-NT in serum, liver and kidney with a significant elevation in the serum transaminases with a concomitant decrease in the liver and kidney transaminases activities in AFB1-induced HCC bearing rats were observed when compared with the normal control rats. Treatment with the drug GGE showed a significant reversal of the activities of all the enzymes both in serum and liver. These results indicate that G. gynandra extract could potentially modulate the cancer marker enzymes and thus could elicit suppressive activity on tumour growth in AFB1-induced male albino rats.
Keywords: Gynandropsis gynandra; Aflatoxin B1; HCC; Marker enzymes
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