ISSN: 2577-4328
Authors: Kasinadhuni G , Vijayvergiya R , Krishnappa D , Kanaba K , Yegurla J and Bhalla A
Aconite is a potent cardiotoxic compound and the cardio toxicity gets manifested by hypotension, ventricular tachycardia, and even cardiac death. Herbal medicines may contain aconite as an active gradient, and ingestion may result in rapid clinical deterioration. We hereby report a young lady, who presented with hemodynamically unstable bidirectional ventricular tachycardia following ingestion of an aconite containing herbal medicine. She was successfully managed with vasopressors and anti-arrhythmic drugs. This case emphasises the need for high clinical suspicion of poisoning in patient presenting with cardiac arrhythmias especially following herbal medicine ingestion. In the absence of a definitive antidote, good supportive care remains the key to successful management.
Keywords: Mitha Telia; Herbal Medicine; Aconite Poisoning; Bidirectional Ventricular Tachycardia; Aconitine
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