ISSN: 2578-4994
Authors: Limbu JH , Archana P* and Baniya CB
The spatial and temporal variations of the fish assemblages in rivers and streams of Nepal are poorly understood. The fish community and environmental variables were studied four times a year covering all seasons (Winter/January, Spring/April, Summer/June and Autumn/October) of Ratuwa River over two years (Y1=2017 and Y2=2018). The fish agglomeration was done by using cast net, bamboo fish trap, and mosquito nets with the help of local fisherman. The present findings showed that Ratuwa River is the habitat of 18 fish species belonging to three orders, six families and 12 genera. Fish species like Barilius barila, B. bendelisis, Esomus danricus, Schistura multifaciatus, S. Scaturigina, and Brachydanio rerio are the major contributory species. The order Cypriniformes was found to be most dominant order with 14 fish species. The highest Shannon Weiner diversity index, Simpson index, and Evenness index were recorded from sampling site C and during Winter season and lowest at sampling site A and during Summer season. The redundancy analysis (RDA) portrays significant correlation between fish assemblage and environmental variables. The cluster analysis depicts that similarity between fish species subside as the distance of sites turgid.
Keywords: Fish diversity;Freshwater; RDA; Cluster; Nepal
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