Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

ISSN: 2573-8771

Research Article

Comparative Evaluation of Forces Generated by Two Different Rotary Endodontic File: A Finite Element Study

Authors: Ajay S* and Manoj C

DOI: 10.23880/oajds-16000123


Aim: Aim of the study is to evaluate the lateral forces acting on the instruments in the apical 3rd of curved canal with two Nickel Titanium rotary systems. Methodology: two brand of instruments Protaper F2 and Mtwo were scanned with micro computed tomography to produce a real-size, 3-dimensional (3-D) model and were compared with each other. The stresses on the instrument during simulated shaping of the root canals were analyzed numerically using a 3 D finite element package and taking into account the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the NiTi material. Results: Mtwo file shows lower values for force generation in the apical 3rd of canal as compared to Protaper which shows higher values. Conclusion: With FE simulation of root canal shaping by two files, it was observed that different instrument designs would experience an unequal degree of force generation in the canal, as well as reaction torque from the root canal wall will be different.

Keywords: Finite element analysis; NiTi rotary files; Protaper; Residual stresses, Stress distribution

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