International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

ISSN: 2576-4772

Research Article

Pharmacognostic, Phytochemical and In Vivo Hepatoprotective Activity on Pongamia Pinnata Linn Bark

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Pongamia pinnata Linnn (Fabaceae) is a tree/shrub with a broad distribution from India, south-eastern Asia, Indonesia and Australia. Different parts of the plant have been used in traditional medicine for bronchitis, whooping cough, rheumatic and diabetes. Transverse section and powder microscopy study of the bark showed phelloderms, cork cells, cortex cells, medullary rays, stone cells, calcium oxalate crystals and starch grains. The total ash 10.64% w/w. The acid insoluble ash 50.4% w/w, water soluble ash 49.1% w/w, The loss on dried 8% w/w, swelling index 5.4% w/w and foaming index was

Keywords: Pongamia Pinnata; Phytochemical; Hepato Protective

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