International Journal of Forensic Sciences (IJFSC)

ISSN: 2573-1734

Case Report

Child Asphyxiation Caused by Aspirated Vitamin C Tablet

Authors: Ivcheva A , Stankov A , Kunovska SK , Bujaroska M , Chakar L and Jakovski Z*

DOI: 10.23880/ijfsc-16000170


Accidental cases of death from aspiration caused by laryngeal clogging with foreign body are common in children at the age of 3. Death in these cases occurs very quickly as a consequence of irritation of the laryngeal nerves and reflex heart failure, the general signs of suppression of the autonomic nervous system are either poorly expressed or absent, therefore the dying mechanism is determined based on the local autopsy finding and the circumstances of the case. In this article, we present one case of a 3 years old child who died from accidental aspiration of half vitamin C tablet.

Keywords: Suffocation; Child; Aspiration; Ascorbic acid; Foreign body; Aspiration death

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