ISSN: 2576-4772
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Once considered a problem of developed countries, obesity and obesity-related complications are rapidly spreading around the globe. Increased body mass index and obesity are strongly associated with metabolic dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to review and explain the role of different dietary supplements, medicinal plants, and beverages in reducing obesity. The drug used in treating obesity has so many adverse effects, including drug abuse and drug resistance. This evidence based review article suggested that several dietary supplements including Chitosan, Prolibra, Phosphorus supplementation, Vitamin D3 supplementation and beverages like Yerba Mate, Green coffee bean extract, Green tea extract may be more effective for treating obese individuals.
Keywords: Solanum Xanthocarpum; Solasodine; Hepatoprotective Activity; Hypoglycemic Activity; Anti-Inflammatory; Anti-Oxidant Activity
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