Journal of Embryology & Stem Cell Research (JES)

ISSN: 2640-2637


In Vitro Germ Line Differentiation from Pluripotent Stem Cells

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DOI: 10.23880/jes-16000126


Germ cells carry hereditary information and genetic diversity. The production of functional germ cells is a key component of successful reproductive processes. Pluripotent stem cells can differentiate into any type of cells derived from the three embryonic germ layers, giving them significant potential in the field of regenerative medicine [1]. The ability to induce pluripotent stem cells into germ cell like-cells not only may provide substantial clinical benefits in human reproductive medicine and the development of assisted reproductive technologies, but it also may have a significant impact on animal reproduction and may help to develop new strategies to conserve endangered species and preserve genetic diversity. In this editorial, we describe the brief history of in vitro germ cell development and summarize the major breakthroughs and current state of these cutting-edge techniques for germ cell differentiation. We also discuss the potential future applications of this promising, new technology.


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