International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

ISSN: 2576-4772

Research Article

Evaluation of the Effect of Sub Chronic Lead Poisoning on Bodyweight and Weight of Vital Metabolic Organs in Adult Wistar Rats; and the Role of Launaea Taraxacifolia


Background and Aim: Lead is a noxious and accumulative substance in the body system when it exceeds certain threshold concentrations. Its toxicity is multi-systemic. It is associated with a number of physiological, biochemical, and morphological changes, however, discrepancy in organ weight is usually affected by relative weight gain. This study revealed the relationship between sub chronic lead intoxication, vital metabolic organs and the role of treatment on organ changes. Methodology: Seventy three Albino rats of 10 to 12 weeks old weighing 180- 200 grams were used for the experiment. The experimental albino rats were divided into 10 groups (n = 6). One group was allowed free access to distilled water only, while eight groups were allowed free access to lead acetate (2 mg/ml) in drinking water, for 5 weeks consecutively. Seven out of the eight groups were later administered Launaea taraxacifolia (LT) extract (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg, p. o), DMSA (Dimecarptosuccinic acid), DMSA + LT, DMSA + VC and VC only for 21 days consecutively. The tenth group was administered LT (100 mg/kg) for 21 days, and later allowed free access to lead acetate in drinking water (2mg/ml) for 5 weeks. The animals were treated and monitored for 35 days and their body weight was taken weekly. Animals were sacrificed on the next day after completion of the duration. Blood was collected for BLL analysis, while respective body organs (liver and kidneys) were taken out for relative organ weight; liver was excised, cleared of adhering fat and weighed. The organs were later subjected to histological studies.Results and Discussion: There was reduction in weight of group treated with Pb and Pb + LT. but there was reduction in weight of the liver and kidneys in group treated with Pb only. However, the study revealed pathological changes and reversal of histological changes in groups treated with DMSA, LT and combination therapy (DMSA+LT, DMSA+VC); which was likely to be due to the effect of antioxidant on sub chronic lead poisoning. Conclusion: The study revealed discrepancies in organ weight with body weight but not significant; however, there was reversal of pathological changes with three doses of Launaea Taraxacifolia.

Keywords: Lead Poisoning; Body Weight; Organ Weight; Launaea Taraxacifolia; Dimecaptosuccinic Acid

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