Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine (JONAM)

ISSN: 2578-4986

Research Article

Fermentation of Polyherbal Preparations as in Ayurveda: a Novel Protocol for Drug-Lead Discovery

Authors: Sharanya CS, Shabeer Ali H, Sabu A and Haridas M*


Background: Alcoholic fermentation of polyherbal preparations to yield medicinal wines has been in vogue since the dawn of Ayurveda. It was not explicitly stated in the classics of Ayurveda, why to ferment medicines? However, this unique class of medicines was considered to be providing better/higher active medicinal principles than their unfermented forms. There are only a few reports expressing evidences from investigations driven by this hypothesis. Berberine and its derivatives form such a model for assessing the positive changes brought about by Ayurvedic fermentation, as reported earlier. Materials and methods: Plants were collected and polyherbal formulations were prepared as per the classic Ayurvedic texts and the formulation was compared with whole plant extract through LC/MS-MS for the production of their derivatives. Results: We were austerely analysing for the derivatives of piperine during the formulation production. In our analysis it is proven that piperine and its derivatives were found in the herbal formulation which leads to another model for assessing the positive changes due to Ayurvedic fermentation. Conclusion: The significance of looking at Ayurvedic fermentations with novel interests as a drug discovery protocol is suggested, since it might provide new, more potent, water soluble and biocompatible drug-leads. It may be used in conjunction with high throughput systems and would deliver drug-leads present naturally.

Keywords: Ayurvedic Fermentation; Medicinal Wines; Biotransformation of Piperine; Biocompatible; Enhancement of Medicinal Value

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