ISSN: 2576-4772
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Solanum xanthocarpum is also called as Yellow Berried Nightshade (kantkari) belonging to the family Solanaceae. The plant is well represented in the tropical and warmer temperate regions. In ancients times Ayurveda, the plant is characterized as bitter, digestive, pungent, alternative astringent. Stems, flowers, fruits are bitter, carminative. Leaf of the Solanum xanthocarpum shows the following pharmacological activities like Antifungal activity, Wound healing, Larvicidal activity, Bacterial activity, Antihyperglycemic, Antioxidant, Hepato protective activities. A brief literature survey was made through internet like pubmed, google scholar forming the search platform to illustrate the ethano-pharmacology of the plant. Information’s of traditional usage, chemical constituents and selected pharmacological activities of the plant were gathered form available research papers to frame the review. The aim of the current review to define the phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Solanum xanthocarpum which will have been help in the researchers for further qualitative research.
Keywords: Solanum Xanthocarpum; Solasodine; Hepatoprotective Activity; Hypoglycemic Activity; Anti-Inflammatory; Anti-Oxidant Activity
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