Anthropology and Ethnology Open Access Journal (AEOAJ)

ISSN: 2639-2119

Research Article

Conceptualization of Traditional Healing System in Yoruba Worldviews

Authors: Ajala AS , Qlaleye SK , Adejumo AG , Gbadamosi IT , Adegoke OA , Sonibare MA and Qdeku OA

DOI: 10.23880/aeoaj-16000126


Yoruba traditional healing system has being in practice for several centuries, yet, there are still certain complexities which set confusion in understanding its conceptualization. Due to lack of enough information about the practice, cynicism, religious bigotry against the practice and over-westernization of healthcare system in Yoruba society, basic features of Yoruba traditional healing system are still obscured. Conceptualization of the healing is narrowed and reduced to fetish; its epistemology is linked with Satan, and organization of Yoruba traditional healing is regarded as unscientific among other complexities suffered by the healing system. This continues to hamper the acknowledgment of its contributions to sustainable healthcare development. Through ethnographic data collection techniques using key informants’ interviews, observation, case study analysis and ethno-botanical survey conceptualization of traditional healing in Yoruba worldviews is examined. Despite the wave of social change influencing the practice of healing in Yoruba society, Yoruba traditional healing system is still resilient, rational and scientific. It features organization of service, providing all- inclusive health caring; with professionalization and specialization in health care service. Since Yoruba healing system is indigenous to the people, it has to be sustained by providing enough information that can explain and contextualize its practices.

Keywords: Conceptualization; Yoruba Healing System; Worldview; Classification; Specialization

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