ISSN: 2474-8846
Authors: Hailegebrial K* , Yirgalem T , Weledegerima G , Mekonen A , Alem R , Redae W , Eyasu A and Husien S
The experiment was conducted at maitsebri agricultural research center, Maitsebri on station, Mezekire and Humera, aiming at identifying stable and adaptable upland rice varieties to rice growing environment through enhanced improved rice technologies. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Data on yield and major yield related traits were collected. Varieties had significant effect on yields which were 4433, 4109 and 3920 kg/ha for Maitsebri-2, N-16 and Maitsebri-1 respectively. The results revealed that highly significant variations were obtained for days to heading and maturity, plant height, panicle length, grain yield and biomass yield among the genotypes and their genotype by environment interaction. Yield stability and adaptability of yield performance were analyzed by combined analysis and AMMI model. From the current study the combined analysis of variance for grain yield revealed highly significant at (P<0.01) for genotypes, environments and their interactions. The significant interaction indicated that the genotypes respond differently across the different environments. The combined ANOVA and AMMI analysis for grain yield of eight upland rice genotypes at 4 environments showed that environments, genotype and G x E interaction revealed highly significant (P<0.01) variations. Considering all genotypes, Hidassie and F-3730 were found the earliest maturity. But since the new alternative varieties were evaluated against Maitsebri-2 (as standard check) and with there is no superior variety over Maitsebri-2 (4433) while since the combined data showed since there is significance difference in gene* environment and with Adet (3589 kg/ha) also gave reseaonable yield as compared Maitsebri-2 (2805 kg/ha) at humera site. So, variety Adet proceeds to demonstration, popularization and pre extension to contribute on food security of the farmers’ in Humera area.
Keywords: Grain Yield; Rice; Stability; Genotype by Environment Interaction
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