Open Access Journal of Gynecology (OAJG)

ISSN: 2474-9230

Mini Review

The Ratio of Medullary Breast Carcinoma (MBC) to Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) is Comparable in Developed and Underdeveloped Countries


Wilson IBO*


My interest in the epidemiology of the female breast diseases ranged from 1979 to 2016. This interest included adolescent masses, onchocerciasis, fibroadenoma, dysplasia versus malignancy, self-examination, regression, carcinosarcoma, role of family doctors, and comparison of its epidemiology in Sweden and Nigeria. Moreover, lymph node biopsy was used to confirm the success which has followed health education in the community. The historical element was the operation for massive lipoma by two eponymous giants; this was published in 1846. Apart from this multifaceted background, the current paper compares the ratio of medullary carcinoma of the breast (MCB) and of invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) not only in the developed but also in the developing countries. Interestingly, both were found to be equal.


Breast; Carcinoma; Medullary; Invasive ductal; Developed; Underdeveloped countries; Equal ratio

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