ISSN: 2639-216X
Authors: Kass L
Humans and Earth’s entire biota will become extinct if they do not inhabit another world. This transference will require substantial support, long-term planning, S.T.E.M. and social applications, along with more clear-eyed determination than humanity has yet exhibited. Some of these more difficult challenges involve changing the way humans view themselves. This introspection will include honest assessments of our biological limitations as well as our dependence upon other life-forms. We will need to redefine ourselves as a family and act decisively upon that new definition. This work outlines a difficult yet realistic approach towards our long-term survival as a species, the only one on Earth most capable of preserving its biota and itself. The conclusions deduced here are contrasted with current concepts on this topic that do not adequately incorporate biology as it has evolved for billions of years on Earth. The perspective expressed within may appear radical when comparing it to alternate viewpoints that do not adequately incorporate biology, its evolution, and its limitations.
Keywords: NASA; Tarian Criterion; Humanity
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