ISSN: 2578-4811
Authors: Anubha Bajaj*
Majority of pancreatic adenocarcinoma are disseminated beyond the anatomical confines of the organ and lymph node metastasis is frequent. On account of rising prevalence and inferior survival rates, cogent screening methodologies are mandated for preliminary detection with enhancing applicability of surgical and medical management. Carcinoma pancreas is commonly discerned beyond fifty five years of age with a predominance betwixt seventh to eighth decade. Pancreatic carcinoma delineates a male predominance with an enhanced incidence in African- American population due to specific risk factors such as cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, elevated body mass index and diabetes mellitus. BRCA1, STK11, PRSS1, CDKN2A and MMR chromosomal mutations can occur within pancreatic adenocarcinoma and familial pancreatic cancer frequently demonstrates genomic mutations such as BRCA2 and PALB. Genetic mutations of pancreatic adenocarcinoma can be assessed with cell free de-oxy ribonucleic acid (DNA) and circulating tumour cells, which can be employed as a screening test. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma and variants are enunciated in a majority (90%) of instances. Low grade Pan IN depict genomic mutations within the KRAS oncogene and a shortening of telomere. Chromosomal mutations of p16, CDNK27, p53 and SMAD4 are contingent to advanced grade of Pan IN and pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Whipple’s procedure or a pancreatico-duodenectomy and a distal or total pancreatic resection are suitable options for surgical elimination of pancreatic adenocarcinoma contingent to anatomical tumour localization. Adjuvant chemotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy can augment the percentage of survival.
Keywords: Mortiferous; Pancreatic cancer; Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma