Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications (ABCA)
ISSN: 2691-5774
Mini Review
Clause of Conscience of Laboratory Diagnosticians: Between
Law and Ethics
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion is a special area in everyone's life. It concerns the sphere which is particularly valuable and intimate. This freedom refers directly to human dignity. Respect for human conscience is a valuable example of respecting human autonomy.
The discussion about the conscience clause is very important in the practice undertaken by doctors, nurses and representatives of other medical professions. The development of science causes the emergence of new challenges and dilemmas. It is possible that the necessity of medical action violates the conscience of e.g. a doctor. As it turns out, the development of science also poses new challenges for laboratory diagnosticians. The emergence of assisted reproduction techniques and innovative diagnostic techniques are key elements of new dilemmas and challenges. Can a diagnostician take advantage of the conscience's objection? Can he find himself in a dilemma situation?
These questions have become very important in Poland. There is still discussion about the possibility for medics to invoke the conscience clause. The Polish Constitutional Court also joined this discussion. However, did these actions affect the situation of laboratory diagnosticians? Polish law does not authorize diagnosticians to use the conscience clause. The code of ethics for a laboratory diagnostician gives them that opportunity. Which norm should ultimately be guided by? Doesn't similar inconsistency lead to conflict?
The article below is aimed at attempting to answer the indicated questions.
Keywords: Ethics in Medicine; Laboratory Diagnostician; Patient's Rights; Conscience Clause; Dignity and Human Rights
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