ISSN: 2578-501X
Authors: Deva Japa A*, Mahpaekar M and Sanjeeth P
The development of blood storage systems allowed donation and transfusion to be separated in time and space. This separation has permitted the regionalization of donor services with subsequent economies of scale and improvements in the quality and availability of blood products. However, the availability of storage raises the question of how long blood products can and should be stored and how long they are safe and effective. During blood bank cold storage, red cells progressively lose deformability and elasticity due to irreversible changes in the cell membrane. Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the relative importance of these diverse biochemical changes in the stored RBC. Methodology: The donors of the blood units included in this study were healthy by all parameters considered for blood banking. Whole blood of 450ml collection bag unit containing 63ml CPD/SAGM (which has a permissible life span of 42 days) and containing 63 ml of CPDA (which has a life span of 35 days) were subjected to standard component separation. A total of 35 consecutively separated blood bags with 7 segments each were studied. Each segment from the Packed Red Cell unit was removed on days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 of PRBC storage, were investigated. The biochemical and hematological parameters such as pH, Lactate, Sr.Potassium, Plasma Haemoglobin, Heamoglobin and Heamatocrit were analyzed in fully automated analyzer. Results and Analysis: RBC unit characteristics just before storage on Day 0 pH (37°C) 7.03+_0.94 (7.20-6.79) Hb (mg/dL) 15.3 +_2.2 (17.9-13.9),Plasma Hemoglobin 3.1+-1.2 gm/dl Lactate (mmol/L) 2 +_ 1.4 (1.3-3.1)Potassium(K) (mmol/L)1.7+-1.2. Extracellular K and Lactate showed a constant increase as the bags aged. Hemoglobin and Haematocrit levels did not change appreciably throughout the storage period. Conclusion: The older RBC may have adverse effects like increase in potassium, lactate but the transfusion department can help the clinician by knowing the patient’s clinical status as well as the age, critical variables like Sepsis by issuing the recent dated Blood units.
Keywords: Red Blood Cell; Storage Lesion; Membrane Deformability
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