Anthropology and Ethnology Open Access Journal (AEOAJ)
ISSN: 2639-2119
Research Article
Interpretative Co-Management of Tourism in Mangrove Trekking Tour Management: Case Study on Kampung Laut Community, Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Indonesia
This paper argue a new perspective on the structural-functional approach in tourism studies. This new perspective called "interpretative co-management of tourism". In this perspective, that tourism is not only talking about economic motives, but also "good intentions" from the other stakeholders to improve and preserve nature. How does tourism also work, even though visitors are not charged ticket entry fees by the manager of tourism for the maintemance fees?
This research is a qualitative study, with the fieldwork data collected through interviews and observation on Kampung Laut Community in Segara Anakan area, Cilacap, Central Java.
The finding of this study is that Segara Anakan an area experiencing massive sedimentation that has caused a tenurial change from common to private property, results in the limited access for the individual community members to utilize the existing natural resources. Recognizing this difficulty, the people of Segara Anakan responded to this situation by establishing a mangrove tourist area. The new land from sedimentation that is privately owned still provides common benefits for the people as they maintain the land’s sustainability.
The conclusion of this study that management of tourism with "interpretative co- management of tourism" support shared utilization of the natural resources for tourism by the people of Segara Anakan and others stakeholders. It can continue to be practiced along with the effort to maintain the sustainability of the nature that guarantees nature conservation
Keywords: Tenure; Economy; Common; Interpretative Co-Management of Tourism; Sustainability
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