Journal of Orthopedics & Bone Disorders (JOBD)

ISSN: 2577-297X

Research Article

Elderly Patients with Pertrochanteric Hip Fracture: In Hospital Care

Authors: Omar F Martín* , Valverde García JA , Sáez López , Martín Ferrero and Vega Castrillo A

DOI: 10.23880/jobd-16000190


Objective: To evaluate the improvement in the care of elderly patients hospitalized due to pertrochanteric hip fractures. Methods: A comparative study of two cohorts of patients admitted due to pertrochanteric hip fracture before (2010) and after the application of in hospital management protocols (2018). The intervention consisted in the implementation of multidisciplinary measures during hospitalization based on current scientific evidence. An evaluation of the clinical results was performed, as well as the health care impact. Results: The characteristics of patients admitted for hip fracture in 2010 (216 patients) and 2018 (205 patients) were similar in age, sex, Barthel index and the Charlson abbreviated index. In 2018 patients had more comorbidity. A significant reduction of preoperative stay and overall stay in the cohort of 2018 was achieved. Detection of delirium, malnutrition and anaemia was higher in 2018, and a reduced incidence of infection and a better functional efficiency was achieved in this period. Conclusion: The introduction of measures for the improvement of the pertrochanteric hip fracture management reduces hospitalization with consequent cost reduction. Unification of criteria among professionals may be an opportunity for better clinical results and reduction of complications.

Keywords: Hip; Pertrochanteric; Fracture; Elderly patient; Management

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