Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN: 2574-7800

Case Report

Non-ablative Fractional Laser as an Emerging Treatment for Alopecia Areata

Authors: Junqueira LA*, Carniello AE, Fabri Mazza M and Junqueira Bertin AC

DOI: 10.23880/cdoaj-16000196


Alopecia areata (AA) is a complex autoimmune non scarring type of hair loss that may affect any hair-bearing area. Although there is still no treatment modality approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, topical and intralesional corticosteroids are most commonly used with variable resuts. More recently, laser treatment have been proposed to induce hair growth. Fractional non- ablative lasers produce a controlled injury in the tissue, thus creating a wound healing process that could stimulate hair regrowth. The small wounds formed stimulate changes in cytokines and growth factors expression, allow a rapid epidermal repair and a premature anagen entry. The aim of this report is to demonstrate two cases of extensive AA succesfully treated with intralesional corticosteroids and fractionated laser, reinforcing the therapeutic potential of laser treatment for hair loss.

Keywords: Alopecia areata; Fractional laser; Intralesional corticosteroid

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