Diabetes & Obesity International Journal (DOIJ)

ISSN: 2574-7770


Easy Ways to Improve Diabetes and/or Obesity

Authors: Kimihiko Okazaki*

DOI: 10.23880/doij-16000216


Although I have an idea concerning improvement of obesity and diabetes, the idea of mine is too simple to be demonstrated as an E-poster. In more detail, it is an application of so-called “Protein-diet”. Still in more detail, according to Miguel D’Vronsky (Last name-spelling may be wrong), orally ingested pure protein enters the liver via the portal vein after digestive decomposition into mixture of amino acids. The liver re-synthesizes protein out of the amino acids consuming synthetic energy. The energy is supplied by decomposition of unnecessary tissues such as excessive blood-sugar, subcutaneous fat, and arterial atheroma. In short, ingestion of pure protein prevents and improves obesity and diabetes. Mixtures of essential amino acids are available in Japan as medicines. As far as its doses are concerned, daily 5~25g are adequate. Reference for D’Vronsky’s proposition is not available since he never published it. The way how I knew about it was an ad in a weekly magazine.

Keywords: Improve Diabetes; Obesity; arterial atheroma

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