Journal of Embryology & Stem Cell Research (JES)

ISSN: 2640-2637

Research Article

The Advantages of Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Massive Burns-Case Report

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DOI: 10.23880/jes-16000132


Due to insufficient oxygenation of tissues, cellular and vascular destruction, burns show a different healing process from other wounds. Even if it affects only one organ, namely the skin, it can generate a systematic response in which multiple organs are affected, with high risk of infections and mortality. Therefore it represents a challenging pathology with the involvement of several specialties, which, depending on the way of production, the surface and the depth of the burn, requires special care, long hospitalizations, and multiple surgical interventions. Even if with the evolution of the medicine, the mortality of burns was also improved, the healing process is often unsatisfactory with negative consequences on the functional and physical aspects, which reduce the quality of the patient’s life. This work paper aims to present a different approach in the management of a II-III degree burn, of approximately 20% body surface, at the level of the posterior thorax and the left upper extremity, using mesenchymal stem cells. The procedure involved the collection of skin samples with a diameter of 5 mm each one, match them with saline solution, introduce them in a special device, disaggregate them and inject the resulting suspension solution rich in mesenchymal stem cells into the dermis with the advantage that it can skip over the excisional debridement stage and decrease significantly large skin graft donor areas of the standard approach, and other possible surgical interventions subsequent.

Keywords: Burns; Wounds; Skin; Healing Process; Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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