Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)
ISSN: 2642-6250
Research Article
Evaluation of Drug Use at Four Hospitals in Khartoum, Sudan
Background: Drug use is a complex subject involving the prescriber, the dispenser, the patient and pharmaceutical institutions. Inappropriate drug use is the problem of the whole world; however, the degree of the problem is higher in developing countries like Sudan.
Objective: The present study was carried out to assess the pattern of drug use by using World Health Organization’s Patient Care indicator in Selected Health Facilities in Khartoum state.
Method: A descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study was conducted among hospital outpatients. The sample was selected using systematic random sampling. In each hospital, patient care indicators were investigated through collection of data on 268 patient encounters, determination of consultation time and dispensing time for 268 patients, and by interview of 268 patients for the evaluation of dispensing practices.
Results: The mean consultation time was found to be 13.93 minutes, whereas the mean dispensing time was found to be 122.78 seconds, the total number of drugs prescribed was 1080, and the percentage of medications actually dispensed in the hospitals was calculated to be 58.98%, percentage of drug adequately labelled was 8.96%, Patients who knew their dosage forms accurately were found, 180 patients.
Conclusion: The result of the resent study indicates that the patient consulting time, medications, labeling and availability of key drugs in the hospitals are inadequate. These patient care indicators need special attention for improvement. Professionals of all levels of health care, management and leaders should be trained in quality issues. Essential drug supply management systems should be established to ensure availability of key drugs in the outpatient pharmacies of the hospitals.
Keywords: Evaluation of Drug; Health Care System; Drug
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