ISSN: 2639-216X
Authors: Oliveira-Souza AE, Pedro Henrique G de Lima, Afonso DD, Santana MMS, Pinheiro RT, Pedroso-Santos F, Sanches PR* and Costa-Campos CE
During herpetofaunal monitoring studies on ESEC Maraca-Jipioca we found an individual Pseudis paradoxa exhibiting morphological abnormality. We diagnose abnormality following current etiology in herpetological literature and tested movement of member affected by touching. The anuran presented polymely in the right hand with duplicated radio-ulna linked to a pair of fully formed fingers. Since ESEC Maracá-Jipioca is a coastal island with very low anthropogenic impact, we think abnormality observed is more linked to endogenous factors or parasite infection, which is a common cause for polymely.
Keywords: Abnormalities; Duplicated Member; Anecdotic Information; Bone Malformation
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