Open Access Journal of Mycology & Mycological Sciences (OAJMMS)

ISSN: 2689-7822

Research Article

Spatial Differentiation of Ascomycetes of the Malaisary Ridge (Kazakhstan)


Malaisary Mountains are located on the territory of Kazakhstan (southeastern regions) 120 km from the Almaty city. Mycobiota of the Malaisary ridge has 99 species belonging to ascomycetes. Ascomycete’s fungi are represented by 11 orders from 3 classes. The highest number of orders (5) is characteristic of the class Dothideomycetes. The largest genera are Mycosphaerella (7 species), Pleospora (7 species) and Ramularia (5 species). The most other genera contain 1-2 species. The class of Leotiomycetes is represented by 2 orders, 2 families with 8 genera. The largest genera are Golovinomyces (6 species), Erysiphe (6 species) and Podosphaera (5 species), related to order Erysiphales. The greatest number of species of ascomycetes is noted in the steppe belt of the Malaisary ridge: on the northern macroslope 35 species from 23 genera, on the southern macroslope 46 species from 26 genera. A large number of species on the southern slope is registered due to the fact that it is rocky and steep with deep gorges. In the steppe belt of the Malaisary ridge only 12 species of ascomycetes are common between the northern and southern macroslopes, and the vast majority of them belong to powdery mildew fungi (8 species). The northern macro slope is characterized by a diversity of representatives of the genera Mycosphaerella and Selenophoma, while the southern macroscope-by representatives of the genus Ramularia.

Keywords: Ascomycete; Fungus; Malaisary Ridge; Powdery Mildew; Species

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