ISSN: 2574-7800
Authors: Assenhaji I*, Bennani M, Ziani J, Douhi Z, Elloudi S, Baybay H and Mernissi FZ
The BCC is a cancer with low grade and rares métastases. Superficial basal cell carcinoma (SSBCC) comprise up to 25% of all histological sub-types. They are more likely to occur on the trunk and in the younger age groups especially in females. SSBCC appears as a scaly and well-defined area. It can resemble a patch of dermatitis and can be confused with eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, or Bowen’s disease. Thus, the clinical features alone may not point to the appropriate diagnosis. The histopathology is the most reliable diagnostic modality for SSBCC. Surgical excision is the most commonly used treatment for BCC. Topical chemotherapy agents such as imiquimod or 5-fluorouracil may be various alternatives or adjuvants in the treatment of SSBCC.
Keywords: Superficial basal cell carcinoma; Clinical; Dermoscopy
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