Ergonomics International Journal (EOIJ)

ISSN: 2577-2953

Research Article

Right to Refuse Hazardous Work: A Study of the Challenge

Authors: Costa Calvo DS, Ferreira JA, Cunha DM and Mendes DP*

DOI: 10.23880/eoij-16000225


The purpose of this article is to discuss the right of refusal of dangerous work/serious and imminent risks, their origins, characteristics, acknowledgments, negligence and potentialities. The importance of developing new perspectives and strategies for work organization raises the issue of the right of refusal at the center of these reflections, since their contributions can go beyond the expectations associated with health and safety at work, also improving other aspects of the productive system, such as the criteria associated with the quality of products and services, environmental variables and expectations aligned with social responsibility. For this, a participatory, democratic, non-punitive, and participatory approach to operators is paramount, which effectively values their contributions centered on their knowledge and practice. Concatenating prerogatives of normative prescriptions (operational procedures) with the knowledge and skills of the operators (practical intelligence) built and constituted in the actual work activity, the right of refusal can become an effective and innovative strategy for the management of work, contributing to the positive and significant achievement of the productive objectives proposed by the organizations.

Keywords: Right of Refusal; Organization of Work; Ergo Formation

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