ISSN: 2639-2038
Authors: Turabian JL* and Turabian JL*
The COVID-19 epidemic, in just a few weeks, is challenging the current Primary Care model, centered on a demand that the general practitiones (GPs) believed was ungovernable; It is forcing to implement new interventions and to reflect sharply on the role of the GP to achieve the maximum resolution of existing health needs in the most effective, efficient, equitable and accessible way, and, on the other hand, to seek the sustainability of the system. These sudden changes affect GP’s crucial roles as gatekeeper, family and community doctor, and epidemiologist, to avoid overloading tertiary hospitals and other acute care facilities. This article reflects, from the author’s experience in Toledo (Spain) to March 18, 2020, on the questions related to COVID-19: What are implications on psychosocial determinants in my area of work? What implications will it have in my community? What effects will quarantine have on my patients? How many patients will I have? Who will be the most vulnerable patients? What implications will it have on primary care health personnel? What implications will it have on the organization of primary care? What implications regarding home treatment of patients and contacts? What implications in my patients’ treatments? What implications will it produce in teaching at my health center? What implications for my health and that of my family?
Keywords: Coronavirus; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; General Practice; Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Outbreak Modelling
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