ISSN: 2639-216X
Authors: Pattazhy S
This study is aimed to study the nest orientation of Apis dorsata in relation to cell tower in the Kariavattom panchayat of Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala. The distributions and orientation of nests were observed around 5 km of cell tower using a survey method. Results showed that 60 nests (40 active nests, 20 abandoned combs) of A. dorsata were found. Tree species used as nesting sites were Ficus sp.(Moraceae), Adenanthera sp.(Fabaceae), Spondias pinnata (Anacardiaceae), Artocarpus sericoarpus (Moraceae), Alstonia scholaris (Apocynaceae), Knema cinerea (Myristicaceae) and Litsea mappacea (Lauraceae).The nests in trees were found in 3-11 meters (5 nests), 11-25 meters (20 nests), and 20-35 meters on buildings (35 nests). Maximum nets on building were noted on the top of Greenfield International Stadium (30 nests). Most of the bee nests were oriented towards South east direction and minimum towards south west direction on buildings and trees. In the South east direction maximum bee hive orientation was noted both on trees and buildings where radiation exposure from cell towers was minimum (0.20 w/m2) whereas in the South west direction minimum bee hive orientation was recorded where the radiation exposure was maximum (9.20w/m2).
Keywords: Nest Orientation; A. dorsata; Cell Tower; Building
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