ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Sodimu AI , Usman MB , Olorukooba MM , Lapkat LG , Jayeoba WA , Osunsina O , Suleiman R , Awobona TA , Bako A and Okechalu SO
Medicinal plant used in the treatment of ante-natal and post-natal disorders in Kaduna Sothern Guinea Savanna using Kachia Local Government Area of Kaduna State as a case studied was investigated. Twenty-five (25) questionnaires were randomly distributed in each of the four (4) wards to make a total of hundred (100) questionnaires. The data collected was analyzed using frequency distribution table and Chi-square (X2). The result Shows that part of the plant species used in preparation of the herbal used in the treatment of ante natal and post-natal disorders include leaves; roots; bark; fruits; leaves and barks; roots and leaves. A total of fourteen (14) plants species belonging to ten (10) families were documented for antenatal while a total of twelve (12) plants species belonging to ten (10) families were documented for post-natal Majority of the herbs are consumed in fresh forms. Crushing is the major (66.0%) method of preparing the herbal /medicine. Also, drinking method is the major (64.0%) method of administration of the herbs/plants. Based on the result, it was further reveals that anemia (26.0%) had major symptoms associated with ante natal while protracted labour (26.0%) was the major symptoms associated with postnatal. Demographic characteristic of the respondents was also examined. The percentage of male was (15.0%) while that of female counter part was (85.0%). majority (41.0%) of the respondents were between 31-40-years age bracket and 73.0% are married and 58.0% of the respondents had qur’anic education while 12.0% had no formal education and majority (42.0%) of the respondents are traditional practioners. Chi-square(X2) analysis revealed that all the independent variable at (P>0.01) probability level the results gave no significant relationship (P>0.01) with the symptom associated with ante-natal and postnatal and the parts of the plant used. However, it is recommended that modernization of health care in Kaduna Southern Guinea Savanna could benefit from integrating aspect of traditional practice and plant used in to health care modernization programme through active involvement of local people. This would also facilitate the implementation of culturally appropriate health care that respect traditional knowledge and contribute to bio-culturally sustainable development of the area.
Keywords: Medicinal Plants; Antenatal; Postnatal; Symptoms; Southern Guinea Savannah
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