ISSN: 2691-5774
Authors: Araujo Souza CK
The world is involved by issues of the most varied sciences, but there is one that has been growing a lot and bothers, in a good sense, the bioethics: The value of life. If that were the point of the discussion, it would already yield great discussions, however some circles and financial agents of speculative capital decided to launch the concept of life into the world of economics. This action totally transformed the clash, since the comparison between a moral concept and a perspective of understanding the world in this case the economic one becomes in itself unsustainable. Bioethics is the pertinent science to demonstrate how much incoherence there is in the comparison when it starts by manifesting the fiction, intentional, of the equivalence analyzed here. If the equivocal size between a moral issue and an economic issue were not enough, the second one carries with it the instrumentalization, since it serves the shady ends of a small group that has “speculative capital” as its characteristic. This analysis will address critical bioethics, based on the Frankfürt School with the aim of demonstrating not only the role, but the importance of bioethics in the subject that is current in the world: the pandemic caused by Covid-19. In addition and not less important, it is important to emphasize the relevance of reflection inherent to bioethics and of the consequences that arise from the instrumentalized economy, that is, with the objective of obtaining the highest profit margin without reasoning about its moral acts.
Keywords: Bioethics; Economy; Philosophy; Life
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