International Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Radioactive Substances (IJNMRS)

ISSN: 2689-8020

Mini Review

Non Habitual Immunotherapy by Using Irradiated Whole Tumor Cells

Authors: Dalia M Mostafa*

DOI: 10.23880/ijnmrs-16000128


The objective of this article is to demonstrate that attenuating of viable whole tumor cells by γ- radiation and injecting them pre-tumor development is effective for enhancement of the immune system against tumor formation. The advantage of using γ-radiation is that the irradiated tumor cells remain viable but non-proliferative. The use of non-proliferative whole tumor cells vaccine in cancer immunotherapy isn’t new but the new proposal is the immunization before tumor formation.

Keywords: Immunotherapy; Memory T Cells; CD8+ T Lymphocytes; Granzymes

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