ISSN: 2578-4994
Authors: Ramirez Garcia F , Llorente Aguilera CY* and Quevedo Palau OL
Environmental education has been assumed as an alternative in the search of solutions for the conflicts arise between men and nature, in favor of the protection of the environment, and to have influence on the decisions made by governments of the planet to eliminate the causes of global environmental problems. This work proposes, from our professional profile, to call the attention upon fundamental aspects on the education of new generations on the caring and preservation of the environment in their socio-cultural context. It is aimed to incentivize the responsibility on environmental education during the formation process of students from the major on Agronomy from the Municipal University Center, and its structure answers to the integration of science, technology, and society (STS). The problem of this investigation was established using theoretical-empirical methods, which allowed establishing the limitation on the knowledge about global, national, and local problems of these students, as its impact on the community. On the other hand, it was demonstrated the limited scenarios of the STS approach and its exploitation.
Keywords: Environmental Education; Environment; Process; Formation; Responsibility; Moral Values
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