International Journal of Biochemistry & Physiology (IJBP)

ISSN: 2577-4360

Research Article

A Study to Evaluate the Incidence of Cholelithiasis in Damwi, Balghami, Safrawi and Saudawi Temperament

Authors: Jan A , Iqbal A , Ali Quraishi H , Zahoor S , Mushtaq S and Hussain A

DOI: 10.23880/ijbp-16000174


Gallstones occurs when the amount of cholesterol or bilirubin is high in bile and bile form solid particles in the gall bladder. Gallstones constitute a significant health problem and is a leading cause for hospital admission related to gastrointestinal problems. In majority of the cases the gallstone is silent and do not give any symptom such as acute cholecystitis, cholangitis or pancreatitis, however it is found as an incidental finding during abdominal ultrasound or by doing computed tomography scan. Cholelithiasis is a medico surgical problem for organ transplantation. In cholelithiasis the pain mechanism is usually obstruction located at gall bladder outlet, incoordination between gallbladder contraction and sphincter of oddi relaxation or visceral hypersensitivity. It may also be due to impaired gallbladder emptying, reliably quantitated by cholecystokinin cholescintigraphy. These are high chances of developing gall stones in chronic diseases like advanced cirrhosis, crohns disease, cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease. Since Unani system of medicine is based on the health of humours (Ikhlat) Damwi, Balghami, Safrawi and Saudawi. The present work is an effort to establish association between risk factors and to observe the prevalence of gall-stone in social groups. The present study has been attempted with four different categories Damwi Bilious (Safravi) Phlegmatic (Balghami) and Saudawi temperament individuals because these two categories show different types of signs and symptoms as their physiological, physical, and psychological features and are opposite to each other on the basis of their Hot and Cold temperament respectively. Hence is has been observed that incidence of formation of gallstone is according to different body temperaments which is high in Safrawi (Choleric/ bileous) fallowed by Balghami (Phlegmatic), Damwi (Sanguine) and Saudawi (Melancholic).

Keywords: Gallstone; Cholelithiasis; Mizaj; Hisat-e-Marara; Unani Medicine

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