Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN: 2574-7800

Research Article

Endocrinal Misbalance in Acne Patients with Postacne Sings

Authors: Endocrinal Misbalance in Acne Patients with Postacne Signs

DOI: 10.23880/cdoaj-16000212


Objectives: Endocrine factors influence acne and it can also influence postacne signs formation. Therefore study of hormonal levels in acne patients with postacne signs formation is very important. The aim was to study levels of hormones and estimate changes of each studied hormone. Methods: 102 female out-patients from Kyiv city dermatovenereologic hospital and other bases of the department of dermatovenereology with different clinical forms of acne were examined. Clinical and hormonal tests were done. Results: 52.94% acne patients had different hormonal misbalances. The most typical changes were increased levels of prolactin and decreased levels of progesterone. The most typical changes in subgroup of acne patients with comorbidities were increased levels of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone and prolactin. Conclusions: Hormonal misbalance can lead to late acne and more severe acne manifestations including postacne signs. Additional endocrinologic conditions can increase such an influence. Correction and control of endocrinologic disbalance can improve efficacy of acne treatment and prevent formation of postacne signs.

Keywords: Postacne; Hypertrichosis; Prolactin; Endocrinologic disbalance

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