ISSN: 2639-2038
Authors: Turabian JL*
Since outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) started in late December in China, there are many scientific articles that have been published about this virus. However, data and qualitative research are lacking. In this sense, chapter 3 (April 1-31) of a diary written by a family doctor in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic is presented, which collects the annotations from the plateau period of new cases and declining growth rates of the epidemic. In the family medicine consultation, the usual organizational guidelines have been modified, maintaining an initial triage and telephone consultations for almost all patients. In addition there is: 1) a reduction of new cases, but without disappearing; 2) an increase in consultations to follow up verified and possible cases, verified or possible contacts, and sick leave related to these cases; 3) Rare, non-respiratory symptoms and biopsychosocial consequences of COVID-19 are beginning to be seen (dermatological, arthritis, anosmia, truncated duels, anxiety, financial problems); 4) maintenance of a large increase in consultations for anxiety secondary to COVID-19; and 5) a practically total stoppage of important new diagnoses other than COVID-19. The medical work has been less satisfactory, full of uncertainty and risks. However, some good news and hope by the end: the epidemic shows clear reductions in new cases, and COVID-19 is probably an immense opportunity for hope and improvement.
Keywords: Coronavirus; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; General Practice; Epidemiology; Reflection; Diary Method; Professional Self-Insight; Qualitative Research
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