Epidemiology International Journal (EIJ)

ISSN: 2639-2038


Post Leprosy-Elimination Era: Relevance of Research in Race Yet Unfinished

Authors: Jadhav RS*

DOI: 10.23880/eij-16000149


Leprosy is one of the oldest known infectious diseases. Prevalence of the disease has significantly come down but the new case detection rate is not changing much. Elimination of the disease has been achieved by many countries Stigma associated with the disease is due to deformities it causes. Immunological biomarkers that can help in early preventive intervention are still elusive. Though multi drug therapy (MDT) is still very effective in treating the disease, the fear looms large of development of drug resistance. Moving forward towards eradication of the disease is still a challenge.

Keywords: Leprosy; Elimination; Eradication; Disability; Drug Resistance; Transmission

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