International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

ISSN: 2576-4772

Research Article

In Vitro Nephroprotective Activity of Selected Herbal Plants on Vero Cell Line

Authors: Movaliya V* and Zaveri M


Nephrotoxicity is common side effect of many drugs like anticancer, aminoglycoside antibiotic and radioactive compounds.In allopathy there is no effective treatment for the cure of kidney diseases. Aerva javanica, Ocimum basilicum and Kalanchoe pinnata are nephroprotective plant to treat various kidney diseases. This experiment was aimed to evaluate nephroprotective activity of above plants on Vero cell line. Optimization of dose of Cisplatin was done using MTT assay against Vero cell line upto 50% of cytotoxicity. Optimized concentration of Cisplatin was further used for the treatment of different extracts of Aerva javanica, Ocimum basilicum and Kalanchoe pinnata against Vero cell line individually. Full factorial design was performed to develop eight different combinations of extracts of selected plants. They were evaluated using MTT cell viability assay.The 50 μg/ml dose of Cisplatin was found to produce upto 50% of cell cytotoxicity. In the treatment model, % inhibition of Aerva javanica and Kalanchoe pinnata plant extracts at dose level 250 and 500 μg/ml were found more effective than Ocimum basilicum when compared with Cisplatin. In the treatment model, % inhibition of combination formula no. 3, 4 and 7 were found significant effective than other combinations with compared to Cisplatin. These experiments showed the plant Aerva javanica was most active than other two selected plants by using Cisplatin against Vero cell line. The combination of plants Aerva javanica and Kalanchoe pinnate were shows better effect at dose level 500 and 100 μg/ml compared to other combinations.

Keywords: Aerva Javanica; Ocimum Basilicum; Kalanchoe Pinnata; Vero Cell Line; Cisplatin

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