ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Athar M*
Forensic science is a very powerful investigative tool, irreplaceable in many instances for the elucidation of complex cases and for an objective understanding of the dynamics of criminal acts. Reliable and perfect finding of trace evidences at the crime scene is of utmost importance in Forensic or criminal investigation. Although some forensic investigators would occasionally use ultraviolet (UV Black Light) to examine for crime scene evidence, Many body fluids are fluorescent in their nature and can be discovered using light with different wave lengths suitable for each type of fluid which will reflect light to disclose its location. The intensity of light and degree of visibility of the fluid stain depend on different factors such as the type of the fluid andithe nature of the surface on which it has been deposited.
Keywords: Alternative Light Source (ALS); Crime Scene Evidences; Forensic Investigation
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