Open Access Journal of Ophthalmology (OAJO)

ISSN: 2578-465X

Research Article

The Diagnosis of Primitive Open Angle Glaucoma Beginning in Melanoderm Subject

Authors: Ndiaye JMM*, Ndoye RPA, Kane H, Nguer M, Ba EA, Sow AS, Diagne JP, Diallo M, Sow S, Ka AM, Ndiaye PA and Wane AM


Summary: OCT allow early detection of lesions related to primitive open angle glaucoma (POAG) particularly at the macular ganglion cell complex. This is the notion of glaucomatous macular disease. Materials and Method: We conducted a multicenter descriptive prospective study over one year. Our study included patients melanoderm who had a visual acuity ≥3/10th, a C/D> 0.4 and asymmetric, a visual field survey with MD<6. Results: We found 31 patients for suspicion of POAG. Nearly 90% of the eyes had a C / D between 0.4 and 0.6. At OCT, we found that the thickness of the ganglion cell complex was impaired in 16.4% of the eyes. The characteristic glaucomatous triptych consists of an attack of the macular nerve fiber layer (mNFL), associated with an attack of the GCIPL in the same sector. It constituted an infringement of POAG. It was found in 8.2% of eyes with doubtful involvement. The diagnosis of POAG was admitted in 24.6% of the eyes, 8 patients including one monophthalm. Comments: The melanoderm would have the particularity of having a greater prevalence, precocity of appearance of the disease, a more aggressive evolution and a later diagnosis. To improve the prognosis of the disease, we looked for optical retinal tomography (OCT) retinal lesions of macular that allowed us an early diagnosis before any perimetric expression in adult subjects suspected of POAG. Conclusion: The OCT allows a diagnosis of early stage GPAO including before-perimetric allowing, by better management, improved functional prognosis.

Keywords: Glaucoma; Macular Ganglion Cell Complex; Melanoderm; Senegal; Melanoderm

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