Ergonomics International Journal (EOIJ)

ISSN: 2577-2953

Research Article

Physiopathological Analysis of MSDs, by Exposure to PDV’s in Oil Production Plant Operators

Authors: Guillermo Neusa Arenas*, Jeanette del Pilar Ureña Aguirre, Ramiro Vicente Saraguro, and María Yajaira Galeano Tocain

DOI: 10.23880/eoij-16000241


The innovation in office areas and control rooms with new technologies can generate discomfort in the work environment by the use of display screens (PDV’s), there are several physiopathologies in the appearance of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD); in a study of 100 operators of a production center of crude oil, were analyzed pathological occupational symptoms such as: right wrist pain, lower back pain, elbow inflammation, pain in the thumb and neck pain, caused in many cases by poor posture or repetition in each cycle of work. When applying the ROSE method, I determine the presence of fatigue and stress, observing the relation of clinical occupational alterations; lumbago 26%, carpal tunnel syndrome 23%, olecranon bursitis 18%, radial styloid tenosynovitis 13%, muscular inflammation 11%, and by degenerative discopathy 9%; the presence of these dysergonomic conditions and, with other successes reached by other authors.

Keywords: Physiopathology; Musculoskeletal Disorder; Pathology; Biometry

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