Cytology & Histology International Journal (CHIJ)

ISSN: 2642-116X

Case Report

Chondroid Syringoma: A Skin Adnexal Neoplasm Diagnosed on Aspiration Smears

Authors: Chakrabarti I*


Chondroid syringomas are rare skin adnexal tumors which occur mostly in 20-80 year olds and commonly in the head and neck region with a male predilection. Here, we describe a 50-year old female patient presenting with subcutaneous swelling in the forehead. Fine needle aspiration revealed features of chondroid syringoma which was confirmed on subsequent histopathological examination. The present case highlights the importance of aspiration cytology for rapid, cheap and accurate diagnosis of these cutaneous neoplasms thus avoiding the necessity of invasive procedures.

Keywords: Chondroid syringoma; FNAC; Chondromyxoid Stroma

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