ISSN: 2573-8771
Authors: Puranik CP and Skadsen S
Hypodontia is a developmental dental anomaly of primary and permanent dentition, defined as the developmental absence of one to six teeth. Adolescent patients with hypodontia in the anterior sextant present unique restorative challenges due to esthetic needs, incomplete skeletal growth, relatively large pulp chambers and unrestored proximal teeth. Patient-specific factors need to be carefully evaluated for successful treatment planning and restoration. This paper discusses various treatment options for hypodontia in the anterior sextant, as presented in the literature, including the indications, contraindications, advantages, and disadvantages of each. This review will help pediatric-restorative dentists in selecting the appropriate treatment modality for managing hypodontia in adolescent patients.
Keywords: Hypodontia; Incomplete skeletal growth; Adolescent patients
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