International Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Radioactive Substances (IJNMRS)

ISSN: 2689-8020

Research Article

Role of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Root Extract (Danshen) in Evaluation of Hibernating/Viable Myocardium: An Evidence Based Study; Utilizing Nuclear Imaging Technique

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DOI: 10.23880/ijnmrs-16000131


Background: Complementary and Alternate medicine (CAM) is gaining popularity these days especially in management of chronic illnesses. Salvia Miltiorrhiza Root Extract (Danshen) is one such option for chronic heart diseases. In this study NO3 and SMRE augmented resting scans were compared to see which one was superior in evaluating hibernating myocardium. Methods: Total of 30 patients was included in this hospital based, interventional study. They had ejection fraction 30% or less, with history of myocardial infarction in past. Informed consent was taken. Each underwent 3 studies, 1. Resting scan. 2. NO3 augmented resting scan (using standard protocol). 3. SMRE augmented scan, in which two capsules of SMRE were administered sublingually (in place of NO3). 20 mCi of Tc- 99m sestamibi was injected after 10 min, an hour prior to acquisition. Results: Data interpretation was done by using 17 segments nuclear model. Scan interpretation was done by two independent observers. Out of total 30 patient who underwent NO3 and SMRE resting scans, presence of viable myocardium was indicated in N=15 scans (50%), where N=8 (53.3%) showed improvement with SMRE alone, N=2 (13.3 %) had improvement with NO3 alone and the rest N= 5 (33.3%) demonstrated viability with both SMRE and NO3. Using Chi squared test, at P value < .05, SMRE came out to be better than NO3, for assessment of viable myocardium. Conclusion: SMRE can be utilized for diagnosis as well as management of hibernating Myocardium as it is clinically useful, safe as well as cost effective.

Keywords: Salvia Miltiorrhiza Root Extract; Danshen; Hibernating Myocardium; Viable myocardium; Tc-99m Sestamibi Resting Scan; Coronary Artery Disease; Complementary and Alternate Medicine

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